SXSW 2019

Help Us Get to SXSW 2019

You can not find bigger fans of SXSW than the Social Element team and it is no different for the upcoming SXSW 2019. For the last few years, we’ve sent a team over to Austin to take part, absorb amazing ideas and then maybe sample the some of the best tacos in Texas.
This year we’ve proposed three sessions to be part of SXSW 2019. Each one is based on things that we’re really passionate about and that we’ve found also matter a lot to our clients.
We’d love you to help us out by voting for our session proposals.
Voting is super easy and takes two minutes of your time:

  1. Head to and set up an account if you don’t already have one. (You’ll need to confirm your email address before you can vote.)
  2. Click the ‘Vote Up’ button for each of our sessions – links below!

The Holy Grail of 2019: Social Media ROI

Since the early days of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and all of the rest, the marketing world has been asking the same burning question literally year after year: how do we measure ROI for social?

Oh sh*t, Donald Trump just tweeted my brand

This is a new era of social media. An era of trolls and influencers, and tweeting Presidents. How do you spot and manage the different types of trolls, how to use technology to scan the horizon for the next big issues, and how to deal with a Tweeting President?

Surviving the Current Tsunami: Kids on Social

While much has been said about social media platforms’ roles in policing news, hate speech, and politics, very little attention is spent on bullying, social media addiction and the long-term impacts of social media on children. Who bears responsibility? Done correctly, will social media be the great equalizer that can ultimately create a safe space online for both adults and children?

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