The social media marketing landscape has changed drastically over the last 12 months, but we’re now headed into a “new normal” as restrictions begin to lift and vaccines are readily available. Say…
social media strategy
Behind the Paywall: Breaking through to Audiences on Subscription Based Platforms
How do you break through paywalls and get your messaging heard on subscription based platforms?…
Alcohol brands: Adapting your strategy post-lockdown
As life starts to open up again, alcohol brands are once again having to pivot…
Should your brand be using Reddit?
Reddit has made the news recently as it is yet again generating controversy, claiming it…
Retail trends: How to use social media to stay on top
As we all emerge from the pandemic, those retailers that have survived this difficult period…
Trends in financial services: How the pandemic has accelerated change
The pandemic has super-charged changes in the way financial services brands interact with consumers. A…
What your influencer marketing has been missing
Influencer marketing has seen steady growth in recent years. Between 2019 and 2020, the percentage…
Stan communities and fandoms: what brands need to know
Stan communities – communities made up of superfans, people who are passionately enthusiastic and devoted…
Should a brand get involved in political debate? An analysis of Ben & Jerry’s recent criticism of UK immigration policy.
Communications and Crisis Director Lisa Barnett analyses the overwhelming and unusual response to Ben and…