customer experience

Use social media for the customer experience

It’s become so normalised for brands to use social media for customer service that those who don’t do it get noticed – for all the wrong reasons. 

Social offers customers a quick and convenient way to get in touch with brands and get their problems noticed and resolved as soon as possible. It also offers them accountability. On social, there’s nowhere for the brand to hide – if they fail the customer, everyone gets to see it live.

They can also use social media more generally to enhance customer experience.

How are brands providing a great customer experience on social media?


1. They’re using data-driven insights


Spotify uses its main Twitter account (and, infrequently, Facebook) to do things like let people know about new playlists it’s created for them:


Spotify uses data to produce its ad campaigns, and the vast amount of information at its disposal also helps it know what sort of playlists to compile for listeners. 

By knowing what its subscribers actually listen to, Spotify can curate content that makes it easier for people to find what they want to listen to. It also helps it create engaging social media content.


2. They’re using social to make shopping easier


There are now quite a few retailers, like Wayfair, that use Instagram to make it easier for customers to shop straight from the app. Wayfair shows the items in settings where they’d be used, allowing customers to picture how the product would look in their homes.

Allowing people to shop straight from the app means that they can shop where and when they like from their mobiles. They don’t have to navigate through sites and dropdown menus, just click on the picture they like and get straight through to the purchase page.


3. They’re going where the fans are


Liverpool FC is one of the brands using TikTok to provide more content for fans. It uses TikTok to share game highlights and behind-the-scenes action from training sessions, as well as share memories of big wins.

TikTok is experiencing a surge of popularity right now, but it’s important for brands that plan to use the app to do so in a way that enhances people’s experience of the platform, rather than detracts from the fun they’re having on there. Liverpool football club has found a great way to give a little extra to its fans using the app.


4. They’re entertaining people


Champagne brand, Moët, uses Snapchat to advertise through entertaining people. It created a game that people could play on the app. 

Marketing director, and head of US consumer engagement for Moët, Christine Ngo Issac, told Digiday that the brand didn’t “want to just by people’s attention through media – we want to get their attention naturally in a customized way.” 

The game uses paid ads on the Discover section to target people who are over the age of 25, therefore allowing the alcohol brand to stay compliant. 


5. They get people involved


Another great way that brands are using social media to enhance customer experience is through encouraging community spirit through user-generated content.

Lego uses its YouTube channel to encourage people to share their content through contests. It also gives them projects that they can complete with their Lego sets, such as building useful items.

By getting people involved, brands like Lego are ensuring that people aren’t passive consumers of brand content. Instead, people help to create their own positive experience of the brand.

Social media is a great way to manage customer service issues and to promote the brand, but it’s also a brilliant way to enhance customer experience. As new apps and networks become popular, brands are finding different creative ways to make their customer’s experience of shopping and communicating with the brand enjoyable, which makes people want to come back for more.

For information about how your brand can use social media to support a positive customer experience, download our free whitepaper.

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